What is deforestation?
Deforestation is when trees in a large area of land get cut down. Trees are an important element of Earth's biosphere, the Amazon Rain forest acts as the Earth's lungs.
Factors that contribute to deforestation
It is essential to understand the factors that go into deforestation to make change. The factors that are present include logging, over consumption, cattle farming, non renewable resources and most importantly, lack of knowledge on the subject.
What can you do?
To limit over consumption its important to not waste food. You may wonder how you're supposed to do that?
1. Create meal plans in order to conserve food
2. Eat leftovers
3. Store food wisely with the proper container
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
1. Print paper double sided
2. Buy second hand pencils and notebooks
3. Take notes on a computer in place of on paper
Stay sustainable
1. Buy better quality furniture and clothes, it will save money in the long run
2. Check for sustainable labels on products