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Resources for Businesses and Nonprofits

Are your customers or clients asking your business what you are doing to reduce your carbon footprint? Are they looking for you to implement more sustainable ways to manage waste? Have you set Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals for your organization? Would you like to do more to reduce your energy consumption, but don't know where to get started? Want to be recognized for your business' sustainability efforts?


Energy Efficiency

ComEd Customers: Savings for Your Small Business or Public Facility

Are you looking for a surefire way to save money and use less energy? Look no further than the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program! Participation couldn’t be easier and ComEd has incentives available that can cover as much as 75% of your project cost.

Eligible entities:


Retail stores


Convenience stores

Low rise offices



Fire departments

Park districts


Learning institutions

Federal, state and local governments


Building Energy Efficiency Assessments (available to ComEd customers)


Naperville IMEA Non-Residential incentives

IMEA offers a grant to Naperville's non-residential customers to be used for energy improvements. In 2023, $212,970 is available for non-residential customer grants for energy improvements. Examples of projects that might qualify include installation of light-emitting diode (LED) exterior and interior lighting systems. Additional applications for other programs, such as refrigeration; heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; and efficient fans and motors are also available.


Business Recognition

Visit Choose DuPage for a great list of resources for business and product recognition and certification programs.



If you own your property or are able to work with the property owner, solar is a great way to save money on your energy bills. Property owners have the option to either work with a third party or to own the solar array. In the ownership scenario federal tax credits for businesses are available in the form of either investment or production credits. Visit the US Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for more information.


If owning the solar array is not a good option for your business, depending on where you live, you can access community solar, join a Power Purchase Agreement, lease, or purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (also called Renewable Energy Credits or RECs). Conact and we can help you navigate your options and potential savings.


Learn more.




More local and state governments are passing laws and ordinances around plastic waste, including plastic bag bans or taxes and styrofoam takeout container bans. Your business can be proactive.


Retail Businesses and Restaurants

  • Encourage customers to bring their own bags by offering low-cost reusable bags or providing a discount.

  • If you're a restaurant or coffee shop, eliminate single-use disposable items, such as paper coffee cups and plastic drink cups, for customers eating-in.

  • Offer recycling with signage to help customers recycle right.

  • Only provide cutlery, napkins, or a bag if requested by the customer.

  • Compost.



  • Make sure you employees, visitors, and clients have access to recycling.

  • Encourage a reuse model by offering filtered water and glasses instead of plastic water bottles. Stock your office kitchen with reusable and microwaveable dishes and durable cutlery.

  • Educate your employees about waste reduction, including eliminating unnecessary printing and how to recycle properly.


Industry and Building

  • Hire an expert consultant to help you eliminate waste and save money.

  • Developers can design around waste minimization and utilize construction and demolition (C&D) recycling.


Learn more.

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