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(Building Leadership Around Sustainable Transformation)


Applications for 2023/2024 school year are closed. Check back next school year.

Dupage Children's Museum Logo
Calling all high school students!


There are many environmental problems to solve, but have you ever thought about creating those solutions yourself? 


  • If you love coding, you could create an app to help people answer that daily question: Is this recyclable? 

  • If you enjoy being outdoors, you could plant a garden to replace an unused patch of turfgrass. 

  • If you like talking to people, you could knock on doors and hand out energy-efficient LED light bulbs. 


What’s your idea? 


Applications for the 2023/2024 school year are now closed. Check back next school year.


All participants will receive mentorship before the competition, with the option to continue after the competition. Not only will you get access to a mentor, but you will also have a chance to win funding and recognition at the Shark Tank-type competition. Any prize money can be used to help with project implementation and/or continuing your education. 


Applications for 2024/2025 school year will open August 2024. You may submit your application as an individual or as a team. There is no limit on team size. 


Have questions or want more information? Contact

Presented by the Accelerate Climate Solutions, Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force (NEST) and DuPage Children's Museum.

Additional Information

  • Any high school student can participate (including homeschool, as long as you are currently taking high school courses)

  • Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis

  • You are required to attend a minimum of 2 meetings with your mentor

  • You must attend a virtual orientation event in October 2023 for Cohort 1 and January 2024 for Cohort 2

  • Mini-pitch: Cohort 1 - December 2023; Cohort 2 - April 2024 

  • Final BLAST pitch at City Council Chambers in April 2024

Cohort 1 Deadline

Click image for a pdf of the flyer

Thank you BLAST Sponsors!

Oak Tree Sponsors

Green State Credit Union Logo
Two Canoes Logo
X Logo

Acorn Sponsors

Sustained Ability Logo

- Support our young environmental leaders -

Become a BLAST Sponsor or Donor

Support future environmental leaders and receive recognition for you or your business. 


Donations in any amount are welcome!


Sponsor levels and benefits:

Founding Sponsor - $5000: Table with promotional materials at the BLAST ceremony. Opportunity to speak at the beginning of the event. Mention in press release and a full page ad in the BLAST program book. Your logo posted on the Accelerate and NEST websites and social media.

Oak Forest - $2500: Table with promotional materials at the BLAST ceremony. Recognition of your business at the beginning of the event. Mention in press release and a full page ad in the BLAST program book. Your logo posted on the Accelerate and NEST websites and social media.

Oak Tree - $1000: Recognition of your business at the start of the BLAST ceremony. Half-page ad in the BLAST event program. Mention in press release. Your logo posted on the Accelerate and NEST websites and social media.

Sapling - $500: Quarter page ad in the BLAST event program. Your logo posted on the Accelerate and NEST websites and social media.

Acorn - $250: Your logo posted on the Accelerate and NEST websites and social media, and you will be listed in the BLAST event program.

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